Wednesday, January 24, 2007

IS it still funny that they hate each other?

Here's the next one. I wish I could get higher resoulution Lockhorns comics to use, the ones form the website are really tiny. More to come, comments, suggestions and alternate captions are welcome. The best submissions will be ripped off and completely taken credit for by me.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's STILL "still funny because they still hate each other".

Here's another one; people seem to enjoy it, and I can't blame them. Because it's hilarious.

More to come, and remember that this is parody. The Lockhorns are created by somebody else entirely, and I'm sure that they're very proud of themselves.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's still funny because they still hate each other!

One more for now. Here we see Loretta propositioning an obvious minor (who is still taller than either of them), much to Leroy's chagrin. Also, what would the Lockhorns be doing at a school anyway? They don't have any kids! Maybe they were tring to spite each other with unlawful extramarital underage sex (Imagine the Google hits I'll get for that phrase!), and Leroy's pissed that she found a child to corrupt before he did. The Lockhorns are terrible people, folks!

It's still funny because they hate each other!

Here's another one, which I think is much better than the first. More to come...

(I should be charging you people for shit this good!)

It's funny because they hate each other!

Here's the first in a potential series of Lockhorns rewrites. This proves I have my finger on the pulse of the hip youth. All tha thuggs n' hoes rep da Lokhorns, ya herd?

Up next: irreverant reviews of pinball machines!

What do you mean "what's pinball?" Idiots.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The old posts are gone!

I'll get around to doing something else with this blog eventually. In the meantime send me your 0-day warez and harcore porn passes. That would be really 1337.

Bloody Channels

Booyakasha! This is a shout out to my main man DrBear over at the Bloody Channels Blog. I disagree with pretty much everything he writes, but I do some great writing in the comments. Big up yourself! Respek.